JPII Crew - Youth Ministry program
In 2010, Lisa Laferriere and Deacon Paul began a youth group here in the Parish. We held weekly events in our teen room called “The Outlet” – where we “plug” into Jesus. We realized over the past few years that while we were having amazing faith experiences with some of our youth, we were not reaching ALL of the youth in our Parish. We have spent the past several months reevaluating and planning a new youth ministry program that will involve ALL of the young people in our Parish from Baptism through post Confirmation. We have had a good response from the youth and are currently planning our winter break calendar! Below is a list of some past and present events we have done in our youth group/ministry program.
Holy Thursday -7 Church tour
Living Last Supper – presentation for the Parish
Attending Steubenville East/NYC
Pilgrimage to Rome
Three Kings party
“Hot topic” discussion evenings
Movie nights
Car washes
Bon fires
Attending Mass citizens for life dinner
Right to Life talk
Easter Egg hunt for younger families
Outdoor fall events, pumpkins, corn maze, etc.
Bible Study
All night events
Private Masses
Open gym night
Cook off
Summer kick-off event
School year kick-off event
Family Irish Night
Visiting local Shrines
Roller skating
XLT Adoration
Game nights
Bounce house
Serve at the Soup Kitchen
Raised money for homeless teens in Westfield
Attending Christian concerts
Rosary making events
Evenings in Adoration
ALIVE IN YOU – Summer 2018 - service trip to Knoxville TN